The UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Initiative Thursday released any agenda that calls for action from local, state and federal leaders on reforms that they say are needed to improve outcomes for U.S. Latinos amid the economic problems caused by COVID-19.

“Latinos are serving as frontline, essential workers. They pick our harvest, cook our meals, staff our grocery stores, all while suffering high rates of coronavirus infections and economic degradation for keeping this country safe,” said Sonja Diaz, founding director of UCLA LPPI. “Reopening the economy must be paired with a fair opportunity to survive and thrive for people of color, and anything less will stifle progress and put America further behind.”

The policy document, titled “Shaping a 21st Century Latino Agenda,” is what LPPI called a blueprint for reforms on criminal justice, public health, economic opportunity, education, voting rights, housing, climate change and immigrant rights, that can address systemic racial injustices and chart a path forward for the nation’s largest minority group and all Americans.

The policy proposals offer a national vision from leading Latinx leaders that will be shared with governors, the two major presidential campaigns, the national political committees and leaders in sectors such as philanthropy, education and the economy.

“Latinos have a lot at stake this critical election cycle and will be looking toward leaders to address their top concerns regarding equity, jobs, healthcare access and fair immigration reform,” said Sen. Maria Elena Durazo (D-Los Angeles). “In 2020, we can no longer have a conversation about the future of this country that does not include all Latinos in a meaningful way. California must lead the way by fighting for an agenda that addresses our diverse needs.”

The policy document can be found at

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