marqueece harris-dawson
Marqueece Harris-Dawson - Photo courtesy of

Two Los Angeles City Council members Friday nominated Council President Pro Tem Marqueece Harris-Dawson to serve as the council president.

Council members Katy Yaroslavsky and Heather Hutt nominated Harris-Dawson via motion as the current Council President Paul Krekorian has announced plans to step down from his position Sept. 20, in a move to help transition leadership — as he is expected to leave City Hall at the end of this year due to term limits.

Harris-Dawson’s nomination will need to be voted on the full council before Sept. 20.

“Councilmember Harris-Dawson’s leadership, vision and temperament have consistently stood out in his tenure on the council,” Yaroslavsky said in a statement. “His ability to build coalitions across L.A.’s diverse communities demonstrates a commitment to collaboration that is crucial for our city’s future.”

She added, “As we envision the next chapter for Los Angeles, I am confident that Councilmember Harris-Dawson’s presidency will build upon the strong foundation laid by Council President Krekorian.”

According to a representative from Harris-Dawson’s office, the councilman is excited about the support from fellow council members and looks forward to the vote, which could happen as early as next week.

Yaroslavsky expressed her “deep gratitude and appreciation” for Krekorian, who has led the city through challenging times. She noted that Krekorian’s leadership “steadied” the council and city through crises and complexities as they emerged from COVID-19 and several political scandals.

Earlier this week, Krekorian wrote in a letter to his colleagues, including Mayor Karen Bass and City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto, notifying of his plans to step down as council president.

“I want to thank each of you for the trust and support you have extended to me as your council president,” the letter reads. “Even more, I thank you for your commitment to serving the people of Los Angeles, and to continuing the vital work of restoring effectiveness, prudence, integrity and decorum to the City Council on which we are privileged to serve. It is my honor to be your colleague.”

In his letter, he listed some of the accomplishments made under his presidency, including placing independent redistricting reform on the November ballot; approving ethics reforms and bolstering the independence of the Ethics Commission; enacting stronger tenant protections; bolstering the city’s economy through programs such as outdoor dining and a restaurant beverage program and approving new community plans for downtown and Hollywood; increasing affordable housing production, among other things.

“Serving as president of the Los Angeles City Council is the greatest challenge and the greatest honor I’ve had in my professional career,” Krekorian said in his letter. “As my service on this council is now drawing to a close after almost 15 years, it is time to begin planning a smooth transition for new leadership to take the help of this body.”

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