fire fighter ambulance
Fire Fighter Ambulance - Photo courtesy of sirtravelalot on Shutterstock

A motorcyclist was killed Friday and his passenger critically injured in a collision involving a Metro G Line bus in the Van Nuys area.

The crash was reported about 11 a.m. Friday on Hazeltine Avenue near Bessemer Street, according to the Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles Fire Department.

Information was not immediately available on the identity of the fatally injured man. According to the LAPD, a girl riding on the back of the motorcycle was critically injured and taken to a hospital.

The circumstances of the crash were under investigation.

“Two people were riding the motorcycle,” Jose Ubaldo of Metro said in a statement. “An adult male was confirmed deceased at the scene and a 12-year-old female was transported to the Valley Presbyterian Hospital.

“Metro extends its deepest sympathies to family and friends of the deceased and to the person injured. Metro is working closely with the Los Angeles Police Department to investigate this incident. We are committed to ensuring the safety of Metro’s customers and the communities we serve, in fact, it’s our highest priority.”

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